About Us

Here at St Michael's, we strive to be a church that welcomes everyone, regardless of who you are or where you find yourself on your journey of faith. We don't always get it right, and we don't have all the answers, but we do try to learn from our mistakes. We are open to making changes that will help us to be more open, more welcoming, and better at making God's love known to all.

We seek to mirror God's love by making St Michael's Church community a safe place for sceptics, doubters, seekers, those who have been wounded by the Church, those who have never darkened its doors, those who have wandered, as well as new believers and those who have never left. Engaging with God is a life-long process, and wherever you are on your journey of faith, we believe God invites you to keep on travelling.

You are very welcome to join us at any of our regular Worship Services. We have various services every Sunday, and during the week on Wednesdays, as well as special and seasonal services which are listed here. We warmly invite you to join us, or simply to drop into the church and have a look round - we are open most days until 4pm.