Facilities and features



There is no car park at St John's church, visitors need to park on Hadston Road opposite the main gate into the church yard. Please be careful when parking and be considerate of other road users.

Accessible Toilet

Our main door has a single step up into the building, however we do have a wheelchair accessible side entrance which is available when the church is open.

Hearing (induction) Loop

We provide weekly reading sheets and notices in large print.

Assistance dogs (and any other well behaved canines) are always welcome in our services.

We have a wheelchair accessible entrance and the floor is level throughout to the chancel steps.
Pews are on a 4" platform but we have space for wheelchairs both at the front and the back of the pews with seating for anyone accompanying the wheelchair user.
We have toilet facilities suitable for wheelchair users.

Our Building

We have 3 stained glass windows; a large one in the east end above the altar and two smaller side windows in the chancel.

Our building is open daily between 10am and 4pm (3pm between November and February).

We hold the Bronze level Eco Church award and are working hard to achieve Silver

Music and Worship

Groups, Courses and Activities

We have a monthly coffee morning which we hold in the Druridge Bay Community Centre in Hadston village - see our calendar for details

We have a monthly bingo evening in the Druridge Bay Community Centre in Hadston village - see our event calendar for details

We have links with Messy Church in Warkworth which meets on the first Sunday of every month from October to July.
Meetings are from 4pm to 5:30pm and all children aged 3 - 11 are welcome - they must be accompanied by an adult, please.

Help for Visitors

Wifi name is St John the Divine
Password is BeTheLightOfChrist

Our church is open daily between 10am and 4pm (3pm between November and February).

You are welcome to bring your dog into church with you either for a visit or to join one of our services.

Other Features

We try to serve FairTrade products wherever possible

We support the Hadston House Foodbank with regular donations

75% of our churchyard is left unmown for wildlife.