Chimes Editorial Policy

Chimes Editorial Policy

27th March 2021

1 Purpose

The purpose of “The Chimes’ is to enhance the feeling of community by publishing information, articles, reports and notices (“Editorial Content”) and advertisements that inform, entertain or relate to the church, the community and individuals and organisations within it.

2 Principles

2.1 The Chimes relies on written submissions (“Submissions”) from members of the community (“Contributors”) for the Editorial Content and anyone may submit material for publication. The Editorial Team will seek to include Submissions in a future edition of the Chimes provided always that it is (at the absolute discretion of the Editorial Team) considered to be relevant and of interest to the readership.

2.2 Each issue of the Chimes will contain advertisements from individuals and organisations offering services and products to the local community. In addition to those advertisements for which individuals and organisations make a financial commitment for them to appear in the Chimes, the Editorial Team will accept advertisements promoting forthcoming one-off events provided that in any edition of the Chimes, there is sufficient space available for such one-off advertisements. They will usually be half a page in size but again this is at the discretion of the Editorial Team.

2.3 The Chimes will not publish Editorial Content or advertisements which are either openly hostile to the church or the community or which promote any discord.

The Minister will be the final arbiter on whether any Submission or advertisement meets the requirements of this Principle.

2.4 The Editorial Team will endeavour in each edition of the Chimes to provide its readership with a balanced variety of Editorial Content to make the Chimes appeal to as many people as possible within the community.

2.5 The Editorial Team will always endeavour to include the following items:

- Minister’s Letter

- Sunday Service Timetable

- A calendar of events for the coming months

- Editorial Content or advertisement for any forthcoming events.

* Submissions of general interest from regular Contributors such as-Council Matters

* News of forthcoming events and reports on events which have taken place

* Reports on the activities of local organisations, clubs and societies such as the British Legion, Womens Institute, Art Club, News from Cambo and Belsay Schools, Kirkwhelpington Youth Club, Young Farmers Club, News from Local Villages, Recipes, A Quiz or Word Search

* Items of local interest, e.g. local history, local natural history, News on National Trust or English Heritage properties.

This does not limit or restrict the authority of the Editorial Team to publish any Editorial Content which in their absolute discretion (other than that of conformance to Principle 2.3) discharges or fulfils the purposes of the Chimes as set out in Clause 1 of this Editorial Policy.

2.7 Whilst the Editorial Team will give serious consideration to the inclusion in the Chimes of all the Submissions received falling within items 2.5 and 2.6 above they will also have due regard for the overriding principle set out in sections 2.1 to 2.3 above and the limitations of the space available.

2.8 Submissions and one-off advertisements received by the Chimes shall be subject to the editing process and may be amended by the omission of parts or by correcting errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, subject always to the Editorial Team using their best endeavours not to alter the intent, purpose and meaning of the original.

2.9 The Editorial Team reserves the right to place within or in close proximity to any Submission any photograph or graphic illustration that they consider to be appropriate or which in their sole discretion enhances, comments on or draws attention to the Submission.

2.10 The Editorial Team shall have sole discretion as to the layout of the Chimes.

3 Application

This policy shall be kept under review and can be found on the Church Near You website.