About Us

Welcome to the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses with our two churches of St John the Evangelist Abbeydale and Holy Trinity Millhouses. We are a loving, supportive community dedicated to following the life of Christ. We have recently joined together, and as of the 1st August 2015 we are one Parish, with our Vicar the Rev'd Peter Ingram and a large, supportive community.

The church of Holy Trinity is on Grove Road, Millhouses and the easiest approach from the city centre is via the A621 Abbeydale Road, turning right at the Millhouses traffic lights and then taking the second turn on the left.

Our church building is a fine stone building, Grade-2 listed, dating from 1937, with an excellent modern organ.  The church is open Monday to Saturday from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, as well as for Sunday services, and visitors are welcome.  If the main (north) Grove Road entrance is not open, please use the south entrance which opens onto the car-park. 

Our principal service each Sunday is the 10 am Eucharist (Holy Communion), with the 4th Sunday of every month being a joint service with St John's.  The customary "Sung Eucharist" format is varied on the first Sunday of each month, when we have a more informal Family Communion.  The congregation at the main Sunday service, around half of whom cross the parish boundary to worship here, averages about 100, with a good spread of ages from babies to 90+.  We  are an inclusive congregation in which everyone is welcomed and their contribution valued.

The present Vicar, Canon Peter Ingram, is assisted by a Reader, a Pastoral Worker, a Musical Director and a part-time Youth Worker, as well as by the two Churchwardens and their deputies, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and its sub-committees.  Also, we are fortunate to have the regular assistance of two (nominally!) retired clergy - Canon Ian Draffan and the Rev. Brian Cranwell. We are one of two churches within the parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses, with the other church being St John's Abbeydale. We enjoy a close relationship with them, with a joint service once a month, alternating churches. 

We greatly value our links with Sheffield Cathedral, with the other Anglican churches of the Ecclesall Deanery, and with the other local churches in the Abbeydale area.

Our responsibility for mission is one that we try to take seriously, and the money raised by specific appeals and donations is supplemented by the planned allocation of a proportion of the regular weekly giving of the congregation to a variety of charitable causes. 

Please click here for full details, including up-to-date information about all of our services and special events.