10am Morning Worship or Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

This service alternates monthly between a non-Eucharistic 'Service of the Word' with hymns, readings a reflection and prayers and Holy Communion.

10am Family Service (Eucharist)

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

1st Sunday of the month at Holy Trinity.
3rd Sunday of the month at St John's.
A communion service for all the family with a talk focussed on involving children.
Activities for children are also provided.

Midweek Holy Communion (10am)

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

Our midweek oasis: a quiet, said service of Holy Communion from Common Worship, followed by time for coffee and a chat.
1st Wednesday at St John's; all other Wednesdays at Holy Trinity.

8am Holy Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

A smaller-scale, peaceful early morning communion service.
2nd Sunday Book of Common Prayer; 4th Sunday Common Worship.

10am Joint Parish Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

The parish gathers for a service together twice a month:
2nd Sunday at Holy Trinity;
4th Sunday at St John's

Taize-style Worship

Sunday 14 May 2023, Sunday 12 November 2023 at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

Inspired by the Taize Community, a time of singing (led by an instrumental ensemble), meditative silence and prayer.

Service of Wholeness and Healing

Sunday 11 December 2022, Sunday 12 March 2023, Sunday 10 September 2023 at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Millhouses in the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Holy Trinity Millhouses, Grove Road Millhouses Sheffield, S7 2HB, United Kingdom

NB 11th Dec at St John's Abbeydale.
A quiet, reflective space in which to offer prayers to God for wholeness and healing. There is music, readings, a reflection, space for meditative contemplation and the opportunity to receive prayer with Laying on of Hands and Anointing with holy oil.