Safeguarding at St Nicholas' Church, Bradfield

Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mr John Marples 07368 392722.

Sheffield Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Siân Checkley: [email protected] – Monday to Thursday – Mob: 07741 013 775

Sheffield Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Advisers:

Elina Pentilla: [email protected] -  Monday to Friday – Mob: 07871 796 682

Rachel Tankard: [email protected] – Tuesday and Wednesday, alternate Fridays– Mob: 07874 859 062

Sheffield Diocesan Safeguarding Administrative Officer - Deborah Corker-Vaughan Tel: 01709 309100 - Mob: 07897 472 582 - Fax: 01709 512 550 - [email protected]

Church of England Policy and Commitments

The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in church activities is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the church.

Our Commitments:

- Promoting a safer environment and culture

- Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults

- Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation

- Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse or other affected persons

- Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns/allegations of abuse and other affected persons

- Responding to those that may pose a present risk

The Parish of St Nicholas, Bradfield



The following policy was agreed at the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meeting held on 18th March 2024 and will be reviewed each year to monitor progress achieved.

Policy Statement

St Nicholas Church, Bradfield, takes the safety and well-being of all people, but especially children, young people and vulnerable adults, very seriously. It is the responsibility of all those associated with Bradfield Church to protect children, young people and adults from physical, emotional, sexual, financial, spiritual abuse, neglect and to report any such abuse that is discovered or suspected. We are committed, within our church community, to the safeguarding and protection of all vulnerable people.

Aims and Values

a) Young People - Bradfield Church aims to be a place where children learn and thrive in an environment where they know that they are valued and loved. It is essential our church is a safe place at all levels for children and that they are treated with respect at all times.

b) Vulnerable Adults - We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some point in our lives. It is essential our church is a safe place at all levels for vulnerable adults and that they are treated with respect at all times.

As members of this parish, we commit ourselves to: -

· Respectful pastoral ministry and care for all adults to whom we minister.

· Safeguarding of people and protection of vulnerable people, ensuring their well-being in the life of this church.

· Promoting safe practice by those in positions of trust, carefully selecting and training them, promoting the inclusion and empowerment of people who may be vulnerable and using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy our church is committed to:

· Promoting a safer environment and culture.

· Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church.

· Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation, co-operating with Police and the local authority in any investigation.

· Offering informed pastoral care to anyone who has suffered abuse.

· Challenging any abuse of power by anyone in a position of trust.

· Caring pastorally for and supervising those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.

· Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.

The Parish will:

· Create a safe and caring place for all.

· Display details of organisations who may be able to support anyone who is currently, or has in the past, experienced abuse of any kind.

· Have a named Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) to work with the incumbent and the PCC to implement policy and procedures and inform Church House of the details of the PSO.

· Safely recruit, train and support all those with any responsibility for children, young people and adults to have the confidence and skills to recognise and respond to abuse. This may include DBS checks, confidential declarations, references and safeguarding training depending on the role.

· Ensure that there are always appropriate ratios of adults to children or young people, with a minimum of two adults with a group at any time.

· Ensure that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children and adults undertaken in the name of the parish.

Church Bookings

Any organisation working with children and young people or vulnerable adults seeking to book church premises will have it drawn to their attention that they are responsible for Safeguarding. They will be expected to confirm they have a Safeguarding policy and appropriate insurance and sign to this effect on the booking form.

Each person who works within this church community will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this church.

This church appoints Mr John G. L. Marples (Parish Safeguarding Officer) to represent the concerns and views of vulnerable people at our meetings and to outside bodies.

Safeguarding Officers and Information

Childline - 0800 1111

NSPCC - 0808 800 500

Sheffield Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0808 808 2241

Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mr John Marples 07368392722

Rector-   Acting Oversight Minister - Rev. Dan Brown Wadsley Church

Sheffield Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Siân Checkley: [email protected] – Monday to Thursday – Mob: 07741 013 775

Sheffield Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Advisers:

Elina Pentilla: [email protected] - Monday to Friday – Mob: 07871 796 682

Rachel Tankard: [email protected] – Tuesday and Wednesday, alternate Fridays– Mob: 07874 859 062

Sheffield Diocesan Safeguarding Administrative Officer - Deborah Corker-Vaughan - Tel: 01709 309100 - Mob: 07897 472 582 - Fax: 01709 512 550 - [email protected]

The Safeguarding Officer for this Parish would be pleased to answer any questions on any aspect of this policy.



As members of the Church of England we are concerned with the wholeness of each individual within God’s purpose for everyone. We seek to safeguard all members of the church community, of all ages. It is the responsibility of each one of us to protect children and young people from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and from neglect.



The church of England, in all aspects of its life, is committed to and will champion the protection of children and young people both in society as a whole and in its own community. It fully accepts, endorses and will implement the principle enshrined in the Children Act 1989 that the welfare of the child is paramount. The Church of England will foster and encourage best practice within its community by setting standards for working with children and young people and by supporting parents in the care of their children. It will work with statutory bodies, voluntary agencies and other faith communities to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. It is committed to acting promptly wherever a concern is raised about a child or young person or about the behaviour of an adult, and will work with the appropriate statutory bodies when an investigation into child abuse is necessary.

House of Bishops Policy, 2004

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