About Us

Saint Cyprian's Church is one of the hidden gems of Nottingham. Our legal and historic name is the Church of St Cyprian of Carthage, Sneinton, but the boundaries of Sneinton are not what they once were and we are located in what is now known as Bakersfield.

Our worship is in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England, we seek to encounter God through the Sacraments of the Church universal. We sing hymns accompanied by organ and led by members of our choir, and our clergy wear vestments and incense is used. 

We are a warm and welcoming congregation who are looking beyond the walls of our building into the wider community to share the love of God with compassion, confidence, and courage. These three words are the vision of our Diocese, Southwell and Nottingham, and we rejoice in the fellowship and vision of our Deanery and Diocese. 

Our pastoral and sacramental care is given by the Bishop of Beverley, as the parish holds to the historic teaching of the church universal, and as such we are unable to receive the ministry of women bishops or priests.

Please contact us if you want to know more or if you want to arrange a Baptism (Christening), Funeral, or Wedding. ("christening") or a wedding.