APCM May 15th 2022


Annual meeting of the parishioners to elect Churchwardens

Mrs Barbara Thornton took the Chair and the meeting was opened in prayer.

We haven’t had churchwardens for some considerable time and Rev. Mike Green suggested that, as we have already been carrying out the duties of a churchwarden, we might consider sharing the task between PCC members. With this in mind Brenda Bastey and Vera Evans have agreed to stand as churchwardens with the rest of the PCC acting as deputy churchwardens. After a year another two PCC members will take on their duties. Thank you Brenda and Vera for volunteering.

Brenda Bastey- Proposed by Alan Holmes and seconded by Pat Trueman.

Vera Evans- proposed by Janet Fearnley and seconded by Dorothy Tate.

Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting 15th May 2022

20 people attended.

Apologies for absence: Ruth May, Doris Rochford ,Brenda Bastey, Vera Evans, Jean Tallis, Pat Nicholson, Dorothy Matthews, Barry Sucksmith.

Minutes of the APCM held on 16th May 2021: These were accepted as a true record. Proposed by Jean Tate and seconded by Jackie Routh.

Annual report: Barbara thanked Pat Trueman for kindly compiling the Annual Report. A note was made to delete Nick Wright from the list of PCC members.

Accounts: Thanks Ralph for producing the Financial Report. Malcolm Gwyn proposed that the accounts be accepted and this was seconded by Noeline Page. All were in agreement. If anybody has any queries regarding the report please contact Ralph and he will be glad to help.

Auditors: Chris Grant & Co. are willing to continue as auditors.

Proposed by Alan Holmes and seconded by Jean McMillan.


a)Parochial Church Councillors: All existing members are willing to stand again.

Proposed by Malcolm and seconded by Noeline Page.

b) Deanery Synod: Pat Trueman and Ralph Davidson are willing to stand again.

Proposed by Alan Holmes and seconded by Jean McMillan.

Annual review comments: No comments.

Any other business: Jean McMillan said on behalf of St Paul’s congregation a huge thank you for the PCC, Ralph Davidson and Andy Wilkinson for all their hard work and commitment over the last twelve months and for Rev Mike’s help. Also a huge vote of thanks for all the work that Mike Taylor does for our church.

Barbara said that the lease for the community hall is now in the hands of the Diocese waiting for them to sign. Hope this will not be too long. Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place after our Sunday service on Sunday 15th May (approx 12 noon).

You can access our Financial report here.

Annual_Report_2022, DOCX
