
A ramp suitable for wheelchair use leads from the street into St Anne's. However, there are two single steps between the main body of the church and the toilet.

A hearing aid loop is in use at every service.

Most of our services use the screen, but paper and large print copies of the liturgy are available on request.

Communion: Anyone who is baptised and receives communion in their own church is invited to receive communion at St Anne's. In line with Church of England practice, we use alcoholic wine at communion. Our standard communion wafers contain gluten, but we have gluten free wafers available - please let someone know before the beginning of the service if you need one. If you cannot consume alcohol, you are welcome to receive bread only. 

A blessing is offered to those who cannot or do not want to receive communion.

Children who are baptised but have not yet been confirmed can be admitted to communion at St Anne's after preparation. Please speak to Rev'd Jo if you are interested in this for your child.