About Us

St Denys Church is a down-to-earth and vibrant mix of people who are rooted in the love of God, embedded in the local community and journeying together through life in faith, with all the ups and downs that this entails. We each have different strengths & struggles; perspectives & interests and we believe this diversity enriches all of us. Everyone is welcome to be part of St Denys, and that includes you.

We seek to grow disciples who:

Connect <span style="font-size: 1rem;">- through supporting one another and building friendships</span>

Worship <span style="font-size: 1rem;">- through creating services and spaces that help people to turn their hearts and minds to God</span>

Deepen - <span style="font-size: 1rem;">-through offering a range of groups and activities that enable people to encounter and explore life with Christ.</span>

Engage - <span style="font-size: 1rem;">through listening to, praying for and supporting initiatives that address global and local issues. </span>