Soup and a Song

Monthly. Every Last Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Francis of Assisi
Fox Lane Thorpe Willoughby Selby, YO8 9NH, United Kingdom

Memory letting you down? Caring for someone with memory problems? Do you enjoy a good sing-song? Why not join our happy group for an hour of song & fun, then share a meal of soup, butties and cake. For more information contact me on 07921255988. Rosemary Finlinson

Our next 'Soup and a Song' will be on the last Friday in April which is 26 April 2024 commencing at 10.30 with coffee and biscuits.

Coffee Mornings

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Francis of Assisi
Fox Lane Thorpe Willoughby Selby, YO8 9NH, United Kingdom

Held in St Francis' Church - come along for books and jigsaws, raffle, bacon butties, toasted teacakes, cake of the day, beverages and companionship! Everyone is welcome!

Sunday Holy Communion

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Francis of Assisi
Fox Lane Thorpe Willoughby Selby, YO8 9NH, United Kingdom

We look forward to welcoming you at St Francis on this Sunday!

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We often share services with St Wilfrid's church in Brayton particularly on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays in the month. Check here to ensure that you know which venue is being used!

Holy Communion led by our Methodist Minister, Revd Christine Gillespie at 10.30 am.

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Francis of Assisi
Fox Lane Thorpe Willoughby Selby, YO8 9NH, United Kingdom

On every second Sunday of the month we have a service led by either our Methodist Minister or a Methodist lay-reader.

Joint Parish Holy Communion at St Wilfrid's

Sunday 21 April 2024, Sunday 16 June 2024, Sunday 18 August 2024, Sunday 20 October 2024 at for 1 hour
St Wilfrid's Brayton
St Wilfrid's Brayton, Doncaster Road Brayton Selby, YO8 9HE, United Kingdom

Hello all

Join us this Sunday with a joint Holy Communion Service at 10:30am, held at St Wilfrid's Church. These joint parish services alternate between St Francis' and St Wilfrid's.

We hope that you can join us!


Revd. Phil Grayson, Curate

Joint Parish Celtic Holy Communion at St Francis

Sunday 19 May 2024 at for 1 hour
St Francis of Assisi
Fox Lane Thorpe Willoughby Selby, YO8 9NH, United Kingdom

Hello all

join us this Sunday with a joint Parish Holy Communion Service at 10:30am, held at St Francis' Church Thorpe Willoughby. These joint parish services alternate between St Francis' and St Wilfrid's.

We hope that you can join us!


Revd. Phil Grayson

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Messy Church

Thursday 18 April 2024, Thursday 27 June 2024 at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Francis of Assisi
Fox Lane Thorpe Willoughby Selby, YO8 9NH, United Kingdom

Messy Church is not messy - it is about having fun, with Craft Activities, Story, Songs and finishing with a nice free meal!
We use Messy Church as a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. So why not come along to St Francis and join in?

Our April Messy Church will be on the theme of 'Noah' with lots of crafts, songs and stories followed by a yummy tea.