St John the Evangelist

Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity 20th October

9.30am Eucharist at St Hilda’s

11.15am Eucharist at St John’s

11.15am Eucharist at St Mary’s

Tuesday 10.00am Eucharist at St Hilda’s

Thursday 10.00am Eucharist at St John’s

Friday 10.00am Morning Prayer at St Hilda’s

2.00pm Celtic Worship at St Hilda’s

Saturday 10.30am Eucharist at St Mary’s

Last Sunday after Trinity 27th October

Bible Sunday

9.30am Eucharist at St Hilda’s

11.15am Matins at St John’s

11.15am Eucharist at St Mary’s

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is normally said on Zoom at 5pm on most weekdays and 6pm on Saturday and available on Facebook afterwards For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email Fr Michael

Coffee Mornings at St Hilda’s

Continuing on 27th August there will be coffee Mornings on Tuesdays at St Hilda’s from 10.30am to Noon. If you can offer help on any particular Tuesday or with making cakes please see Sue Murray (07881 344373) Donations for Raffle Prizes would also be gratefully received.

St Hilda’s will be open on Fridays 9am to 3pm with Morning Prayer at 10am and Celtic Worship at 2pm

Hope and Light

Journeying with faith and hope in a time of loss

The next meeting is on Thursday 19th September from 11am until 1pm at St Hilda’s Priory.

Saints of the Bible -Tuesdays on Zoom 7.30pm

In late summer and autumn we’ll be looking at some of the saints we read about scripture. Starting with Bartholomew (Nathanael) on Tuesday 27th August . Please contact Fr Michael if you would like the zoom link

Monday 26th August at 10am

Celtic Morning Worship at St Mary’s

Friday 30th August at 11.45am

Lunchtime Concert at St John’s,

Lisa Oliver, percussion and more! Arrangements & compositions from Baroque to Contemporary

Entry free with retiring collection.

Wednesday 11th September at 7.00pm

in St Hilda’s

Trumpet and Organ Recital

Richard Wood and Geoffrey Bellamy

£5.00 including refreshments

Donations for Flowers for flowers in St Hilda’s would be very much appreciated. Please place in the glass jar or give to Heather Newton

A prayer for our Parish

As our parish continues its involvement in the Diocesan Revitalise programme helping parishes in numerical, missional and spiritual growth we encourage you to use this prayer adapted from last Sunday’s intercessions by Suzanne Shute

We pray for this parish and its revitalisation; for a Spirit of togetherness as we think and pray about the future of our parish and Whitby deanery. That we may encourage one another to be involved in this, recognise one another's gifts and skills., offer up our ideas and thoughts no matter how small we may think they are. Where every little bit will help and be welcomed. Where seeds planted may one day bear fruit. Amen

Readings for next Sunday: Fourteenth after Trinity Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-9 , Psalm 15, James 1:17-27, Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23

Please include these people in your prayers:

Those who are sick: Nona Laughton, Fr Andrew Sawyer, Amanda, Margaret Clarkson, Peter Cannon, Carol Mitchell, Lorraine Young, Daphne Tindale, Grant Smith, Tony Mongovin, Chris Stephenson, Alan Booth, Margaret Gobbett

The departed: Margaret Pyman, Sandra Smith,

Mel Jepson, Lewis Brown

Parish Facebook page

Parish website

The Parish office is open 10am to 2pm Tuesday to Friday. Phone: 01947 606578 or email [email protected]

Parish Clergy

Fr Michael Gobbett: 01947 602590 [email protected]

Fr Paul Burnett 07917 880232 [email protected]

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is normally said on Zoom at 5pm on most weekdays and 6pm on Saturday and available on Facebook afterwards For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email Fr Michael

Evening Prayer is said Zoom on Sunday at 6pm and on most weekdays

Virtual worship is live streamed on Facebook at 6pm on Saturday and available afterwards

For an link to the Zoom services please email : [email protected]

Parish Face book page is

For more information contact

Fr Michael Gobbett , Tel: 01947 602590 email; [email protected]

Get in touch

Parish Office

Whitby Mission & Seafarers' Centre
North yorksbhire

Parish Office
01947 606578
What's on


Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St John the Evangelist
Brunswick Street Whitby, YO21 1BL, United Kingdom

Said Order 1 Eucharist