November Newsletter 2023


On consecutive Sundays in September, we were pleased to welcome visiting preachers Archdeacon Sally Gaze and Archdeacon Rich Henderson. On the latter occasion, 24th September, a congregation of 53 included a Salvation Army group from Chelmsford, some of whom returned in the evening for the Barsham Equinox Event.

For our Equinox Event, 58 people came over three days in the hope of seeing the rood lit by the sinking Equinox sun. 29 attended on the day of the Equinox itself. Results were mixed. Cloud obscured the sun on the evening before the Equinox, but on the day of the Equinox (23rd September) a magnificent display saw the figure of Christ gloriously illuminated. The following day, after a promising start, the sun sank into cloud at the critical moment. Many thanks to Colin for introducing the event on the first two days.

We were delighted that the Right Revd Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough returned to be our visiting preacher at Choral Evensong for Harvest Festival on Sunday 8thOctober (photo, front cover). An augmented choir led the music and the inclusion of an anthem in this fine service was a treat for all 49 in attendance. The flower arrangers had beautified the church most impressively, Colin and Margaret’s squashes were everywhere lending colour and extraordinary form, and a display of tinned produce blessed at the morning service and destined for the Beccles Food Bank decorated the front of the nave.

50 guests, including Bishop Norman, sat down for a magnificent harvest supper in the village hall after choral Evensong. Excellent company and fabulous fare were complemented by the beautifully decorated tables, the whole making for a joyful and festive atmosphere. Heartfelt thanks to the team who worked so tirelessly to prepare and serve the food and drinks, decorate the tables – and clear up afterwards: all involving many hours of hard work over several days. This was quite possibly the most successful Barsham harvest supper yet and raised a record sum of £735.00 for Church funds.

Thank you to everyone who has been filling Love Boxes for the Mustard Seed Relief Mission Christmas campaign. Please return all boxes before Sunday 22nd October, when the boxes will be blessed at the beginning of the Sunday service. The Beccles Lions have kindly agreed to cover the cost of carriage and representatives of the Lions will be present for the blessing.

A special service of Choral Evensong in celebration and thanksgiving for the work of the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust on its 50th anniversary was held at St Edmundsbury Cathedral on Sunday 17th September. At the invitation of H.M. Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, the Countess of Euston, who is also the Patron of the SHCT, Cheryl attended as Area Organiser for Beccles, and Malcolm and Chris Bardsley attended to represent Holy Trinity Barsham. After the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff and Resident Judge had taken their seats, the service opened with a magnificent procession, which included: the Ride and Stride Organisers, Vice Presidents of the SHCT, representatives of the Church Architects who advise PCCs on the repair and maintenance of churches, representatives of the Church Historians who research and bring to life the history of our legacy of churches, the Trustees and Officers of the SHCT. These were followed by singers from a local primary school and then the Cathedral Choir, and after them the clergy – Ecumenical and Clergy representatives, the Archdeacons, the Cathedral Chapter, the Dean, the Roman Catholic Bishop of East Anglia, and the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. Symbolically, a bicycle leaned against the High Altar.

The PCC thanks Fr Desmond Banister for his generous gift to Holy Trinity Barsham of two chasuble sets, one green and one white.

Barsham PCC acknowledges with deep gratitude very generous donations of £1,000.00 and £200.00 which will greatly aid the Church finances for the current year.  The sales table organised by Jenny raised a creditable £90.00.

Our donations to the Foodbank in September amounted to 188 items.


All Saints Day will be marked with a celebration of Holy Communion at 10am on Wednesday 1st November at Holy Trinity, Bungay. All welcome.

The Service of Remembrance at Barsham Village Hall will take place on Saturday 11th November. The service will start at 10.45am and the Last Post, two-minute silence and Reveille will be observed at 11.00am. Wreaths will be laid at the village war memorial and the names of Barsham’s First World War dead will be called, as will the names of the American airmen killed when their aircraft crashed opposite the village hall in April 1944. Refreshments will be served afterwards in return for a donation. Everyone is welcome.

The Commemoration of St Martin will be marked by the celebration of Holy Communion with the Community of All Hallows at 9am on Saturday 11th November at 23 Trinity Street, Bungay. All welcome.

SNIPPETS – 50 Years of the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust

By the mid-20th century, the great era of Victorian church restoration was long gone and many Suffolk churches had fallen into disrepair and even ruin. Responding to this crisis in the late 1960s, Canon Fitch of Brandon wrote a manifesto detailing the dilapidation of Suffolk churches and the remedies needed. Simultaneously, Hugh Fitzroy, 11th Duke of Grafton and Patron of the Suffolk Preservation Society, was working towards establishing a body that could support the restoration and upkeep of Suffolk’s 600 churches and chapels. Out of these initiatives sprang the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust in December 1973.

Initially, the Trust relied upon the generosity of benefactors and funding from County and District Councils, but the idea of the Bike Ride (later renamed Ride & Stride) was born in 1982 and this very quickly became the principal source of funding. These days Ride & Stride raises approximately £20,000 a year, half of which is returned to the churches nominated by the Ride & Stride participants, and the other half goes to SHTC, where it is added to the legacies and membership fees that make up the funds from which grants are made.

(Adapted from a historical note in the order of service for the 50th Anniversary Choral Evensong)

November Diary

Sunday 5th November – All Saints. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Revd Jonathan Olanczuk.

Sunday 12th November – Third Sunday before Advent. Remembrance Sunday. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Revd Canon John Fellows.

Sunday 19th November – Second Sunday before Advent. Safeguarding Sunday. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Revd Josh Bailey.

Sunday 26th November – Christ the King. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Revd Josh Bailey.

Wednesdays at 8.45am – Matins at Barsham.

Church correspondent: Robert Bacon 07867 306016, [email protected]