Heritage Gateway at Sheviock Parish Church

Sheviock Parish Church stands at the Gateway to the Rame Peninsula and the five parishes beyond. Our Heritage Gateway map at the West Gate shows many of the heritage sites on this “forgotten corner” of Cornwall to encourage locals and visitors alike to explore.  Whether walking, driving or cycling, do take the opportunity to use our "Hobbit House" to the North of the Church, complete with baby changing facilities and water fountain and water bottle filler.

With its foundations dating back to the Norman period, Sheviock Parish Church is a gateway into its own rich heritage.  This medieval building has survived the Wars of the Roses, the Spanish Armada, the English Civil War and two World Wars in the twentieth century, through which this church has been the guardian of the prayers, hopes and dreams of the local community.  If you are researching your links to this community, pick up one of our Ancestry Guides and refer to the beautiful plan of the churchyard in the Reception area, as well as a growing number of transcriptions of our Parish Registers held in the Heritage Information Point.

The Heritage Information Point is situated next to the font where you will find a screen to guide you around the key features of the Church as well as signposting you to more detailed information in the shelves below.  We have produced a Guide to the Church as well as  a number of Heritage Interpretation banners, positioned around the church, to help you make the most of your visit.  For younger visitors, look for our Children's Trail, Medieval Costume Chest and various books.  

We are always happy to arrange tours, talks and educational visits to the Church so please do contact us using the "Get in touch tab" to the left of this page and please do contact us any questions or queries you may have - and PLEASE don't forget to sign the Visitors Book before you leave!

If you would like to support our Fundraising events, please download the 2024 Programme of Events below or make on-line donations to the Heritage Gateway Fund (restricted to building and churchyard costs) via Donate Here on the menu to the left.

2024 Fundraising Programme final, DOCX
