About Us

Our Community

Our community is a small one, and we invite everyone who joins us to participate in our worship. For some, this is sitting at the back of the church in quiet reflection or prayer, but others welcome the opportunity to assist with the readings, the lighting of candles, the singing of hymns or even ringing the bell! In all cases, we invite you to pray with us and lift up your heart to the Lord. We remind each other often that the word "liturgy" means "the work of the people" and we deeply cherish that the fabric and fullness of our worship is impacted by the presence of each person. No matter where you feel you are, all are welcome in this special space.

After each Sunday service, we normally gather for an informal time of drinks in the village. All are also welcomed into this time as an opportunity for open discussion, friendship and community.

The Services

As our community is small, we rely on the simplicity and beauty of the liturgies from the Anglican tradition to join our hearts and prayers with that of the worldwide Church. Through our simple services, we worship with the Church and pray for the world. You may find any of the below liturgies in use during a Sunday service.

Our regular services include the Eucharist and an all-age service of the word. We also celebrate services on principal holidays and hold occasional Compline or Evensong services.


Our local congregation is organised by a small committee of volunteers, focused on the ongoing operation of the church and the offering of regular services. We are part of the Chaplaincy of St. John the Evangelist in Montreux-Territet and are under the direction of the Archdeaconry of Switzerland in the Church of England's Diocese in Europe.

Our chaplain, Father Paul Ormrod, normally takes the Holy Communion service once per month. You can contact Father Paul here.


A collection plate for offerings and donations remains at the back of the chapel during services. As the chapel is maintained by Aiglon College, all of our collected funds go toward providing worship supplies, such as candles, communion wine and wafers, and for paying the visiting clergy. You can also donate online here.

Aiglon Chapel

Our congregation is graciously permitted to make use of the chapel owned by Aiglon College. The school also makes regular use of the space throughout the year for both formal services and other special concerts or occasions. You can read more about the chapel and its history on our history page.

This beautiful chapel space has been recently renovated and is available for rental. The chapel building is owned by Aiglon College. Please contact [email protected] for all rental information.