5th January: The Feast of the Epiphany 4th February: Shrove Tuesday 17th-22nd February: There is no planet B Environmental arts at Saint Chad’s 5th March: Ash Wednesday, Lent begins30th March: Mothering Sunday 13th April: Palm Sunday 20th April: Easter Sunday 8th June: Pentecost, Eastertide ends 15th June: Trinity Sunday 21st June-6th July: Food for the journey the Saint Mary’s summer festival 29th June: Saints Peter and Paul 9th November: Remembrance Sunday 23rd November: Christ the King 30th November: Advent Sunday
Coffee concerts start at 11a.m. with coffee and tea available from 10.30a.m. Admission is free but we welcome donations to support music in the church.Programme for Spring 2025January 18th: The Manchester Reed TrioFurther dates:June 21st to July 6th St. Mary's Festival - Music, Art, Spoken Word and more, including Foden's Brass Band on July 5th.