November's News



O Lord, support us all the day long

Until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes

The busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over

And our work is done.

Then in your mercy grant us a safe lodging

A holy rest

And peace at the last.



SUNDAY 28th 7.00pm Evening Prayer VIA ZOOM

No need to book a seat now. <span style="font-size: 1rem;">We are still keeping social distancing and hand sanitising</span>

Please join us for the 11.15 service on 14th November – we will be having the

two minutes silence to remember those who gave their lives in war and also

we will be lighting candles to remember our own loved ones who have died.


Rev. Charles

What a wonderful occasion our Harvest Festival was this year, full church for both

the service and lunch. It was a joy to be all together again and celebrate the end of

Harvest with thanks to God and a meal and chat afterwards.

Many thanks to Rev. Dale for the uplifting service and to all the ladies of Gratwich who decorated the church and provided the delicious lunch – and of course to all who came along and made it such a special event.

As mentioned in last month’s Newsletter – the church building is in need of upgrading.

With this month’s newsletter is a leaflet explaining in more detail and suggesting ways

in which people can help.

Our next venture is the Bonfire and Fireworks evening on 5th November. This has now

sold out – so again thank you to all who are coming along, such amazing support!

The next events after Bonfire will be:

Carol Singing on the Croft – 11th December 7.00pm onwards.

Refreshments, Raffle and Collection.

Crib Service – Christmas Eve 7.30pm in St. Mary’s.

Refreshments and Collection.

There is also a box at the back of church for donations of groceries for our local foodbank.


20th November 10.00am – 12 noon CHRISTMAS FAIR in St. Mary’s Uttoxeter

13th November 3.00pm- CONCERT – Checkley Church

As you may know, the choir (Barbara Walton Singers) in which I have been singing

for the last thirty years has closed down due to costs and other factors. The choir

has given Christmas concerts in Checkley Church biennially throughout that time,

for Barbara Walton lived in the parish.

But all is not lost. A group of five professional singers, including David Burrowes,

its musical director, are giving free concerts in different churches.

They will be coming to Checkley Church to give a concert for one hour; this will

include part songs, madrigals and a few religious pieces. Any donations given by attenders would be for the church. Please spread the word and hopefully we will

have a good turnout in response to this kind initiative. Irene Smith

13th November 7.30pm CONCERT – St.Mary’s Uttoxeter

Uttoxeter Town Band & The Heath Belles are in concert to celebrate 100 years of

the Royal British Legion in St.Mary’s Church, Uttoxeter also on the 13th November.

Free entry with a collection at the end.

100 CLUB – October– drawn at the Zoom Meeting on 26th October

1st Leo Woolley 2nd John Lander 3rd Luca Selvaggi

The next draw will be at the evening Zoom service on 28th November.

CHURCH CLEANING NOVEMBER - Claire and Sue Capewell

Now St. Mary’s is open again we will need to keep the dust at bay.

I am using the existing cleaning rota – if anyone needs to change month or anyone

like to join the rota that would be great – please let me know (Jenny 01889 502471)


If anyone would like to be confirmed classes are starting now – 14th November.

Bishop Matthew will be taking the confirmation service on 13th February 2022.

Please contact Rev. Dale for more information (01889 500428)


2020/2021 has been unprecedented as we have faced the uncertainty, anxiety, changes and grief caused by the Covid pandemic. Much has been lost – people, jobs, schooling, freedoms, routines and perhaps even hope. This year, the Season of Remembering, from All Souls’ to Remembrance Day, has an added poignancy and there is special need in our communities to pause, reflect and remember. What this looks like will be different in different contexts.

Loss is often compounded and any specific service or activity will remind people of unresolved past or present loss and pain. There is often a need to ‘do’ something and to ‘mark’ a loss to help to bring closure and healing. This year why not take a moment to specifically think about the losses that you have had over these past couple of years.

In most of our Area churches an All Souls’ Day service will be taking place on or near 2nd November, ask at your local church when theirs is. At this service we will remember those who have died at any time and in any way, especially those who have died during 2020/21. There may be a Remembrance Service around 11th November which will be specifically about people who have died in the world wars or armed service.

If you are not able to go to a service there are other ways to remember someone.

A virtual candle can be lit on

Or you could stop for a moment somewhere and remember someone close to you and

use this prayer, you may want to light a candle at home as you say it.

God our Father,

We thank you for the person we knew,

The years we shared, the good we saw, and the love we received.

Turn the darkness of death into the dawn of new life,

And the sorrow of parting into the joy of heaven.



Rev Margaret

For further information about anything in the newsletter, please contact:

Rev. Charles Dale 01889 500428: email: [email protected]

Jenny Talbot: 01889 502471 email: [email protected]

Facebook: St. Mary’s Church Gratwich