Coronavirus update. 17th March 2020

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Notices

Dear all in St. Philip’s and St. Wilfrid’s parishes,

We have heard today from our Bishops that all worship services are to be cancelled until further notice in the light of the coronavirus outbreak. We are obviously really sorry to hear this, but it is a necessary measure in the current circumstances.

Please be assured that we will both be praying for you all and doing all we can to support all those in our congregations and beyond in the coming weeks and months. Rob and I will be on the phone to as many of our congregants as we can in the next few days to see how we can best support you and how you can support one another and our community. We will be exploring live-streaming acts of worship and also planning to deliver paper copies of sermons and prayers in the coming weeks to sustain you. We will also be providing practical help where we can.

We will also be trying to have both St. Philip’s and St. Wilfrid’s buildings open as regularly as we can for private prayer (at a distance!). Currently we have plans to have St. Wilfrid’s open on Saturday 21st morning 9:30am-midday and both churches open on Sunday 22nd afternoon 2-4pm and watch this space for further plans.

Finally, do know we are here for you – do be in contact with myself and Rob, if there is help you need – or if there is help you can offer to others.

With love,


Do see this link for the letter from the Archbishops about this