About Us

Welcome to the tiny church of Greatham. We are one of the four churches that serve the tiny parishes of Amberley, Greatham, Parham and Wiggonholt in the Wildbrooks Benefice of West Sussex.

Our hamlets and villages are set in a stunning part of the South Downs, flanked by the River Arun and include woodland, the huge floodplain of the Wildbrooks and the downlands too. Our whole benefice is in part of the newly created National Park of the South Downs.

But we’re more than pretty houses and peaceful churches. We’re proud to be Christians, continuing Christian worship in places where it goes back many centuries.

We do not know when the first church was built here in Greatham — we suspect it was around 1100 — and our tiny unrestored building originated during the so-called Saxon-Norman overlap when Anglo-Saxon architecture was giving way to the Norman style.

The agricultural community that Greatham used to serve are no longer here but the church stands as a quiet, reflective haven of faith for those that appreciate the setting and traditional services of the Book of Common Prayer. We hold services twice a month and if there is a fifth Sunday in the month we join in fellowship with the other congregations in the benefice.