Facilities and features


Male and Female toilets and an accessible toilet off the lobby

Available in the accessible toilet off the lobby

Bike Racks available at the front of church

Car park around two sides of the hall - 12 spaces

Always available (even when the main hall is in use). Access is directly off the hall lobby

Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible
Accessible car parking

Situated outside the main entrance to the hall

Available in the church

Available by request

Welcome to any service or event

We always offer Gluten-free wafers at Communion

Our Building

We are members of the Eco Church scheme (www.ecochurch.arocha.org.uk) and received our Bronze Award in April 2024.

Music and Worship

Concerts (musicians and/or choirs) sometimes held in the church

Used regularly at our weekly 08.30 Communion service

A band generally leads worship in our 10.30 services

Groups, Courses and Activities

At home groups

Early Bird Café is open from 8.45-10.00am in term time.

Kinderoo meets in the hall on Thursday mornings from 1000-1130

Please email Lee ([email protected]) for details

Help for Visitors

Details available in the church and hall

Other Features

We only serve Fair Trade tea and coffee

Congregation members contribute to a local Food Bank regularly

Our 1030 worship songs are on TV screens in church - other presentations can be linked to these via the laptop.
In the hall we have a TV on a wheeled stand, which can be linked to a laptop.

Details can be found on the 'Hall Hire' button on our website