Thought for the week of 28th May 2023

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit    Acts 2 : 1 - 4

This week’s reading : Acts 2 : 1 – 21;

Thought of the week

As we come again to the season of Pentecost a key word for us this year might well be ‘renewal’.

The events of the past few years have been battering and bruising, and we are still in the aftermath. Yet it was the same for those first disciples, having witnessed Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion, and then the joy and hope of His Resurrection.

At one point they seemed to be drifting back to their old lives. Maybe they thought their job was done. Yet the Risen Jesus appeared to them to assure them their calling was only just beginning. The Holy Spirit came as the encourager, the motivator, the strengthener, the helper, the Lord in us.

At our APCM  we highlighted some priorities : to renew our prayer life as a church; to reconnect with our community and to be there for them; and to rebuild our expectations and vision. I believe the Holy Spirit calls us to a life and witness that is wider, deeper, longer (into the future) and higher (more Spirit – filled). (Ephesians 3 : 18).

The wonder of Pentecost is that the Lord calls us even in our ordinariness. This is a celebration as the Lord reveals all He is calling us to, and inviting us to be.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, ignite in us your holy fire;

strengthen your children with the gift of faith,

revive your Church with the breath of love,

and renew the face of the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy Spirit: With astonishment, we see that you renew our strength constantly.

Allow us not to forget your presence, even in adversity.

And, in our turn, we will renew our gratefulness

and we will sing of your love. Amen

~ posted on the Sacred Pauses blog.

Things to pray for

For all those taking exams at this time.

For renewal in our church communities and in the church in our nation.

For those exploring and obeying their calling in ministry at this time.