Thought for the week of 24th March 2024

The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord’    John 12 : 12 - 13

Readings this week :  Psalm 118 : 19 to end; John 12 : 12 - 16

Thought for this week

How many names do you have? I have just two, one Christian name and one Surname. Names are important. In some culture they denote or reflect the hopes of the parents.

Some Biblical names are like that and we see that John the Baptist name was chosen by God. It caused quite a stir at the time because there were no previous “Johns” in the family. He grew up to fulfil the prophets’ prediction of preparing the way for Jesus.

The Angel Gabriel told Mary that she should call her baby Jesus and the rest is, literally, history.

Jesus’ name is heard every day in the media, used completely in the wrong way and purpose. The Bible tells us that one day all will bow before Jesus.

It is impossible to describe the amazing power and love wrapped up in the name of Jesus, that is why so many other names are used to help us understand more about Him. Check it out!


Palm Sunday Prayer

Blessed is the king who comes in the name of Lord!

Gracious God, as we stand at the gates of the city,
give us grace to recognise the king we proclaim,
and courage to be a part of your kingdom -
even when it goes against our ways and the ways of the world,
even when it leads us where we do not want to go.

Empower us to free ourselves from the tempting alternatives
and embolden us to live lives of thanksgiving and praise.
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!

~ originally posted on the Monthly Prayers page (now Weekly Worship) of the Christian Aid website.

People to pray for

For the Princess of Wales and the Royal Family

For all those attending our worship during Holy Week and Easter