Thought for the week of 7th July

If I say, “I will not mention the Lord, or speak any more in his name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot. For I hear many whispering. Terror is on every side!   Jeremiah : 20 : 9 - 10

Readings this week :  Ezekiel 2 : 1 - 5; 2 Corinthians 12 : 2 - 10; Mark 6 : 1 - 13

Thought for this week

Jeremiah’s was a hard calling. Not because it required great skill or special abilities, He didn’t need to build an organisation or even a team. His calling was hard because people’s hearts were hard. They had lost their faith and trust in the Lord. They had stopped listening to the Lord who loved them.

Jeremiah suffered physical suffering, marginalisation, even abuse. Just as so many Christians today across the world suffer these things in their daily lives, in witnessing to their faith in Jesus.

Yet also there was the fact that people turned away from the message. Felt they had no need to turn to the Lord. Became used to living their lives in their own way, looking to their own achievements. I wonder if this seems similar to our own situation?

Yet for Jeremiah the message ‘burned’ within him The Lord’s love for His people, urging them to turn back to Him.

What is the Lord saying to us? I believe we are called to grasp the sheer love of the Lord for all people. To pray urgently and passionately that others will hear the Good News of Jesus and be saved. To receive the Lord’s love and mercy. To turn to Jesus while there is still time.

Rev  Paul

Prayer of Commitment

(based on Jeremiah 20, Mark 6: 7-13)

Lord God, just as You called your prophets long ago, so You call each one of us to speak and act on Your behalf in our world today.

Forgive us when we are hesitant to follow: when we question Your call or make excuses for our abilities; when we complain about our lack of time, or hoard our resources.

Give us courage to step out in faith, to go where you send us without hesitation or fear, trusting that Your presence goes with us, and that You will provide all that we need. Amen.

People to pray for

Our new Government

Those waiting for hospital treatment

For the persecuted church