Bible Study

Dear everyone

I hope and pray you are surviving these challenging times. At the beginning of Lent I believed it was right to speak of this Lent as being a growing time. No-one could have imagined just how different Lent would become, but I believe in many ways it has been a growing time, not least in the opportunities we now have for personal prayer and spiritual growth, of listening to the Lord, and of being the church without so many of the distractions and encumbrances we have that can get in the way of our relationship with the Lord.

Rev Phil has put together a Bible Study on 1 John for his Bible Study groups. If you would like to receive these Bible Studies and become part of an online group (through e mail), could you please e mail Rev Phil on [email protected] if you would like to take part.

We will continue our Livestreams, including on Palm Sunday at 10.30am on our Facebook page.

Further details of Holy Week and Easter will follow.

With every blessing for Jesus’ hope and protection

Rev Paul