Thought for the week – 3rd May 2020

All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture                                  John 10 : 8 - 9

Reading : John 10 : 1 - 10

Thought for the week

The image of the Lord as our shepherd is a very striking one. The one who cares for us and guides us, and longs for us to be safe. A very powerful message in these difficult days.

Even in the twenty – first century we have not changed. As the Coronavirus has shown us our lives are fragile, and always will be. Life is full of dangers as well as celebrations. The Bible reminds us constantly we are to look to the Lord for hope, for protection and for safety in Him. Our ultimate safe place is to be with the Lord for ever.

The task of the shepherd to protect the sheep meant often the shepherd placing themselves between danger and the sheep. Even acting as the gate for the sheep pen at night.

This is what Jesus has done for us. He has placed Himself between the full danger and destruction of our sin and us. He has endured sacrifice and death on the Cross because He is the Good Shepherd. He has opened the way to salvation and eternal life, because he is the Way. He is the gate into the Father’s presence and His love.

I pray we may each know the loving care, rescue and safety of Jesus.

Rev Paul