Thought for the week – 24th May 2020

For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.                                                 John 17 : 2 - 3

Reading : John 17 : 1 - 11

Thought for the week

There is always a rightness in the Lord’s timing. Yet so often it does not coincide with our own sense of time. So often in the Bible the Lord’s people were frustrated and challenged by when things were happening, just as we are challenged by all the experiences of the lockdown and the virus.

Yet Jesus appeared on earth just at the right time. He began His ministry after thirty years of human life at the right time. He entered Jerusalem at the right time. He gave His life on the Cross and rose from the dead at the right time for humanity, for the Lord’s grace to fill the world.

This week we celebrated Jesus’ Ascension which occurred after a period the Risen Lord spent with His disciples, and anticipated the coming of the Holy Spirit, all at the right time.

So often the right time demands patience of God’s people, and a growing for the disciples. Waiting is painful but has to happen for the right time to be fruitful and in the Lord’s plan.

So we are called to trust in the Lord’s timing for us, and to know the joy and the hope of the Holy Spirit with us. The one who assures us now that we live in the light and love of eternity.

Rev Paul