Thought for the week – 31st May 2020

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting                                        Acts 2 : 1-2

Reading : Acts 2 : 1 - 21

Thought for this week

One of the most striking features of the passage describing the coming of the Holy Spirit is that the disciples were all together in one place. This seems remarkable to us now during the experience of the lockdown!

Yet this underlines it was a collective experience. It is about the Lord coming upon the disciples as a whole, as the Body of Christ. How the Holy Spirit calls the people of Jesus to be the Church. To proclaim together the Lord’s grace and salvation in Jesus to the world.

It is a reminder of how the Holy Spirit binds us together ‘in the bond of peace’. To be collectively whole and holy. To be committed to one another and show those signs and marks of love that Jesus commanded us.

We often think of faith being a solitary experience. The Lord does indeed call us each personally, and we are called to make a personal response to Him.

Yet we are all brought together in such a mixture of backgrounds and personalities. Like the wildest of gardens, it somehow works because it is the Lord’s work. Let us celebrate the Lord’s work in us and through us in proclaiming the truth of Jesus to the world.

Rev Paul