Thought for the week – 14th June 2020

Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge: “Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously.                                                Matthew 10 : 5 – 8

Bible reading : Matthew 9 : 35 – 10 : 23

Thought for the week

As we now make our way through the Trinity Season we have entered the green time or Ordinary time, a time for growing, a time for looking around us and seeing where the Father’s Kingdom is breaking through, where the Spirit is moving and Jesus is being honoured.

In our Gospel reading Jesus even exhorts the disciples to ‘Stay alert’ (I’ve heard that before?). So too we need to listen, be aware, notice, look for signs of the Lord’s work and His breath in people’s lives.

Jesus spends time with ordinary communities in their homes and all their places of gathering, bringing His extraordinary power and love, and speaking to everyone of this new hope of the Lord’s presence and love.

Ordinary communities and lives, and Jesus who does extraordinary things, brings extraordinary transformation.

For all of us there has been a lot of ‘ordinary’ during the lockdown. But we belong to the Lord who has an extraordinary love for us. We are called to see his love at work, and witness that He is the Lord who has power and authority over all things. Let us look to the extraordinary things He is doing today.

Rev Paul