Church open daily

Following the changes to Government and Diocese guidelines it has been decided that the church building will be open for personal, private, prayer.

From Monday 15th June, St Peter’s will be open from 10am to 3pm each day.

Health and safety guidelines warn that it is safest for as few people as possible to come into contact with one another so we will not have any people welcoming those who come.

Please help to reduce the risk of infection by –

• USING the hand gel as you enter and as you leave the building.

• OBSERVING social distancing at all times.

• TAKING a paper cross to put on your seat before you leave. This will help others to know when a seat has already been used. If you have a prayer request please write this on the underside of your cross, (these will be collected at the end of each day).

Please AVOID those areas of the church that have been roped off or covered.

There are notices in the porch and church reminding everyone of these requirements.

For further information contact Revd. Paul Seabrook on 01603 868217 or by email at [email protected].