Thought for the week – 12th July 2020

“The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest beyond his wildest dreams.”                       Matthew 13 : 23

Bible reading: Matthew 13 : 1 – 9, 18 - 23

Thought for the week

One of the aspects of life that has not depended on a Government directive or media scrutiny is what is happening in the fields, gardens and allotments all over the UK. Crops are growing in the field next to our house. Vegetables and fruit are looking healthy. It looks like there will be a harvest this year.

When what is certain keeps changing, there is speculation and rumour about the future. Yet Jesus speaks about growing. About plenty and seeds that just keep being sown. About a sower who overcomes all the odds. Whose sowing carries on, and eventually produces a thick and plentiful harvest.

Jesus’ Kingdom has been taking root and growing all through the lockdown. Through times of uncertainty and tragedy. When so much has threatened and destroyed, the seed of God’s word has continued to be sown. The growing and the harvest just keep on, regardless.

Jesus calls us to prepare for the harvest, for the sower to reap even ‘beyond his wildest dreams’. We can be sure in these times the sower is sowing and the seed is growing. Let us celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness and His blessing, and rejoice in all He calls us to share in.

Rev Paul

Bishop’s Prayer Pilgrimage

Bishop Graham is walking from the Cathedral to Walsingham over three days, starting on Monday (13th July).

“Pilgrimage is a meaningful journey to a sacred place. It provides the opportunity to step out of the non-stop busyness of our lives, to seek a time of quiet and reflection,” says Bishop Graham. “I’m intent on using this time to seek God’s heart and healing for all those affected by coronavirus. Do look out for me if I’m passing through your neighbourhood and please do all join me in praying during this time.”

The Bishop will be passing through Taverham and Ringland at some time on Monday morning (13th July) and will visit St Ed’s and St Peter’s