Thought for the week – 9th August 2020

“Jesus spoke to them at once. “Courage!” he said. “It is I. Don't be afraid!”

Matthew 14 : 27

Bible reading: Matthew 14 : 22 – 33

Thought for the week

Before Tuesday’s explosion in Beirut, the majority of the Lebanese people were in need of aid, a third had lost their jobs, one million people were living below the poverty line, and the country’s hospitals were already stretched trying to deal with the pandemic. And then the explosion struck. It is hard to see where hope can even begin.

In our Gospel reading Jesus has spent the day healing and listening to the crowd. Then He feeds them. When they finally depart He finds some much needed time to pray and be with the Father. Yet in the night He sees the disciples struggling on the waves, and does not just call from the water’s edge, but goes out on the water to meet them.

This is the Lord who stays with us through every difficulty, every crisis. Who abides, who hears and knows, who listens. Who even comes out to meet us in our times of pain, and brings His peace.

We cannot know why these disasters happen. But we do know crisis is real and this is a broken world, full of tears.

Yet the Lord is with us, and never turns away anyone who comes to Him, who looks to Him for hope and strength. Jesus who changes our world by changing our hearts, and building His Kingdom through His sovereign power, His healing of our lives and His hope.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

God, our refuge in times of trouble we pray for our brothers and sisters in Beirut today.

Lord, be with the emergency services as they battle to help the thousands injured.

Lord, hold those who have lost loved ones in the palm of your hand.

Lord, we pray your provision for poor and marginalised communities who face an even more uncertain future.

Lord, we pray for wisdom for leaders as they make difficult decisions.

Lord, open our hearts - may they be full of compassion for the suffering we see.

Stir us to action. In the tragedy of loss, we pray your comfort.

In the chaos and injury, we pray your calm and divine healing.

In the devastation and the heartbreak, we pray your peace.

We pray that in the despair that lies amid the rubble of the explosion

there will be glimmers of hope and life.
