Thought for the week 30th August

“Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it”.                              Matthew 16 : 25

Bible reading: Matthew 16 : 21 – end

Thought for the week

There have been many difficult choices over the past months. Our Government has been faced with so many decisions that have affected us all. Every organisation, every retailer, each one of us has had to make choices that have impacted others as well as ourselves.

In our Gospel reading Jesus chooses the most difficult path of all. The road to Jerusalem and what He knows to be certain arrest, humiliation and death. He has chosen the way of sacrifice. The hardest way. He has chosen this path laying His own well – being aside. Jesus has chosen it for us, in His love for us.

Jesus knows it is the way that leads to death for Him, and then life. Resurrection, and the invitation to eternal life for all those who will believe in Him.

From the outset He knows He must stay with the choice He has made. There will be distractions, deflections. Those who would say that the road is too hard.

We are called to follow Jesus. There are distractions and deflections. But in our own individual walk Jesus is with us. The Holy Spirit guides us and helps us. And our choice to follow affects those around us. May we bring glory to Jesus as we follow Him in the way of the Cross.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

God of constant mercy,

who sent your Son to save us:

remind us of your goodness,

increase your grace within us,

that our thankfulness may grow,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.