Thought for the week 25th October 2020

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

Matthew 24 : 35

Bible reading : Matthew 24 : 30 - 35

Thought for the week

During lockdown when virtually the whole country had collectively turned to clearing out bookshelves and cupboards, I was bracing myself for an avalanche of old Bibles. At St Ed’s we are entrusted with many old family Bibles and Christian heirlooms, and they are all treated respectfully and find their way to new homes.

Yet the avalanche never came. If anything we were giving out more of the Scriptures in the form of Bible verses on prayer cards, bookmarks and through Facebook, as well as whole Bibles in different versions. The avalanche has been in the opposite direction!

I shouldn’t have been so surprised. In the uncertainties we have faced we have all found the Lord’s Truth, hope and meaning in His word to us. The Bible has been the only means of making sense of these extraordinary times and growing in the relationship the Lord offers each of us when so much has been and is still being stripped away.

The Bible speaks constantly of the Lord’s faithfulness. His strength. His love for this world that has so seriously strayed from Him. This Bible Sunday let us treasure His word and listen to all the Lord is saying.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

Merciful God,

Teach us to be faithful

in change and uncertainty,

that trusting in your word

and obeying your will

we may enter the unfailing joy

of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen