Praying Together w/c 8th November

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Praying Together

Week beginning Sunday 8th November

Jesus’ disciples once asked him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ Prayer is at the heart of our life together as followers of Jesus. Central to our worship, individually and as a fellowship, it is the lifeblood that holds us and sustains us. Jesus gave the disciples the words of the prayer we now call the Lord’s prayer. Jesus also taught us to pray simply and from the heart, not worrying about the words we use but instead being mindful that in prayer we are talking to our loving heavenly parent.

Paul, in the letters that he writes to Christians, encourages them to, ‘pray always’, and to, ‘give thanks.’

Within the benefice many of us have adopted the practice of pausing wherever we are to say the Lord’s Prayer at 12 o’clock each day. It connects us with one another and brings us into the conscious awareness of the presence of God.

During this time of lockdown we would like to encourage you to continue this or, if you’ve never done it to perhaps take this up. You might like to set a reminder on your telephone and if midday doesn’t work for you to commit to another time each day. We hope these prayer suggestions will be a helpful aid to your prayer times.

Alongside this we will be giving a simple suggestion for each day of something you might like to pray about as we pray together for the world in all its trauma and anguish and also a we give thanks for all that is good and God’s continued presence and faithfulness to us in this time of uncertainty and difficulty. We hope this will be a reflection of our life and worship together as we pray together for the world God made and loves, which Jesus died for and in which the Holy Spirit lives and moves in grace and peace.

Sunday 8th - We give thanks that the Holy Spirit unites us in prayer and and draws us together in the love of Christ.

Monday 9th- We pray for all those who are unwell with Covid-19 and for those who care for them.

Tuesday 10th- We hold in the Light of Christ the people of the USA following the election.

Wednesday 11th- Hold before the Lord the young people of our country, many of whom are struggling.

Thursday 12th- As we think of the beauty of God’s good creation we pray for the earth and our stewardship of it.

Friday 13th- Spend some time today in quiet stillness remembering that you are loved by God, in whose image you are made.

Saturday 14th- Pray for our worship tomorrow.

Attached is a sheet of the above in case you prefer to print a copy for reference