Thought for the week of 24th January 2021

Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.         John 1 : 11

Bible reading : John 2 : 1 – 11

Thought of the week

One of the features of Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana is who is there to witness it.

It was a remarkable event in itself. Jesus reveals His power over all things, and His compassion in responding to the wedding couple’s immediate need.

Yet John the Gospel writer is clear to highlight the impact Jesus’ miracle has. For the wedding couple, whose wedding is transformed from what could have been a disaster to an even bigger celebration.

John also points out that Mary, Jesus’ mother, and His disciples, also witness the miracle, because this is ‘the first of His signs’, pointing to His identity as God Himself come amongst us, transforming and redeeming our humanity, making all things new.

Yet usually forgotten in the miracle are the servants. Mary says to them, ‘Do whatever He tells you’. They are also witnesses, the lowly, ordinary people, just as the shepherds first hear the Good News of Jesus birth.

So we are called to do ‘whatever he asks’, to go about our ordinary days knowing who Jesus is, the One who is our Saviour, our Lord and our friend.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

God of all mercy,

your Son proclaimed good news to the poor,

release to the captives,

and freedom to the oppressed:

anoint us with your Holy Spirit

and set all your people free

to praise you in Christ our Lord.
