Thought for the week of 31st January 2021

My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.’          Luke 2 : 30 - 32

Bible reading : Luke 2 : 22 - 40

Thought of the week

Although the event itself is remote from us, there is something immensely human about Mary and Joseph bringing their first – born child into the Temple. There is always the first thrill of new parents to present their new-born. Unforgettable moments made even more so by the people who are there to witness it.

Jesus’ Presentation is truly unforgettable. Simeon stands almost as a gatekeeper to the world, full of the Holy Spirit, full of the expectation and anticipation of Israel for the coming of the Messiah, aware of the promises of the Lord being fulfilled in the person of this tiny child.

It is a moment where the grace and love of the Lord meets with our frailty as humans, and our potential through faith to be all the Lord calls us to be.

Both Simeon and Anna are outstanding in their faithfulness. They are filled with wonder at the divine promises being made so real in human terms. Yet this is how the Lord meets with us now. In the most human of ways and in the times where we share our common humanity.

This is Jesus for us every day. Who calls us to believe in Him and look to His Light, and to know His promises are true.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

God our creator,

who in the beginning

commanded the light to shine out of darkness:

we pray that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ

may dispel the darkness of ignorance and unbelief,

shine into the hearts of all your people,

and reveal the knowledge of your glory

in the face of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever, Amen.

Prayers together….

Please join us at 8.00 each day (Monday to Saturday), on the St Ed's Facebook page, for our sixty second Bitesized Prayer.

If you would like to, please take a moment each day at 12.00 noon to join with Christians around the world to say The Lord’s Prayer.

We also have thoughts and ideas for prayers and intercessions for each day on our Prayer hub – see the separate weekly news-item on the St Peter's website.