Thought for the week of 14th February 2021

As they looked on, a change came over Jesus, and his clothes became shining white Mark 9 : 2-3

Bible reading : Mark 9 : 2 - 9

Thought for the week

Today’s Gospel reading takes us up the mountain with Peter, James and John, to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus. It was a moment they would never forget, shared with just three of Jesus’ disciples, yet through the telling of the Good News was shared with all of Jesus’ followers and is now revealed to the whole world.

This is Jesus in His divine radiance and majesty. Indescribable in the vision of His holiness and righteousness. Brilliant in the full reality of His divinity and Presence. Filling the world with the Truth of who He is, the One who comes in love and grace to us. The One who comes to set us free from the fear engendered by the world, the chaos of sin and our own loneliness and feelings of worthlessness.

It is a moment of revelation, yet through it the Lord speaks from eternity of hope for our lives, of the Lord’s grace, of Jesus’ love.

For us, we may have our moments where the Lord reveals His love and touches our hearts, when we pray, when we read the Bible and the Lord speaks, when we feel His Presence and His peace. Moments of Transfiguration to treasure and to enable us to grow.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

Holy God,

You know the disorder of our sinful lives:

Set straight our crooked hearts,

And bend our wills to love your goodness and your glory

In Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.