Thought for the week of 28th February 2021

He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. He spoke plainly about this.           Mark 8 : 31 - 32

Bible reading : Mark 8 : 31 - 38

Thought of the week

In our Gospel reading Mark the writer tells us ‘Jesus spoke plainly’. He told the disciples that He was to die on the Cross. Further than this Jesus sets out what it means to be a disciple. It is the way of sacrifice, dying to self. It is the hard way. Yet it is the way that leads to life, and even the gift of eternal life.

I wonder if our view of sacrifice has changed in the Pandemic? There are sacrifices we have made where we may have questioned whether they were necessary. There have been others that clearly were vital for our safety and that of others. There have also been sacrifices that have brought hope and even life.

It may well be sacrifices we have made – and this is awesome to think of – where we will not know the consequences this side of heaven.

Jesus took the path to Jerusalem fully knowing the sacrifice He was called to make, and what the consequences would be. This is the Lord’s incredible love that for Jesus the way of sacrifice was something He embraced, and took willingly, for us, for His wonderful, life – giving love for us.

As we journey in Lent, let us give thanks to Jesus for all His sacrifice means.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

Almighty God,

by the prayer and discipline of Lent

may we enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings,

and by following in his Way

come to share in his glory;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.