Thought for the week of 28th March 2021

Many in the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others spread leafy branches they had cut in the fields. Jesus was in the centre of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting,

“Praise God! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!

Mark 11 : 8 - 9

Bible reading : Mark : 11 : 1 - 11

Thought of the week

The journey into Jerusalem was not long. From where the disciples gathered the donkey, it was about a mile. Yet the Pandemic has shown us sometimes the shortest journeys can be the most important. Even the hardest. It might be a journey we’ve made in the past year to the hospital, or to a Care Home, but haven’t been able to go in. It might have been the journey for the vaccine, or even to post a card to someone we cannot see.

Jesus made the hardest journey, for us. On the back of a donkey, signifying peace, but also submission. Laying aside His majesty. Surrendering His power. Giving His life for us. For the invitation into salvation and New Life.

Jesus alone could make this journey. Yet He calls on His disciples. He calls on us to follow, to join the crowd, to cheer and wave, and then to go beyond. To witness the unbearable things. To look on the Cross and see the unimaginable love of Jesus, amidst our weakness, our distractedness, our sin.

He calls us to follow, to fall silent, to pray. While He saves the world that carries on its normal day. Such incredible love for us. Such astonishing grace.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

True and humble king, hailed by the crowd as Messiah:

grant us the faith to know you and love you,

that we may be found beside you on the way of the cross,

which is the path of glory. Amen.