Thought for the week of 11th April 2021

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.   John 20 : 19 - 20

Bible reading : John 20 : 19 - 31

Thought for the week

When Jesus appears to the disciples in the evening of that first day of His Resurrection they are full of fear. They have locked the doors and are hiding. They are together, with the exception of Thomas, maybe for safety, maybe because they could not think of anywhere else to go. They are not even planning what to do next.

Jesus’ appearance not only fills them with hope, but He also breathes on them with the Holy Spirit. This is not to preempt Pentecost, but to strengthen the disciples for the next part of their journey. To give them the courage to even get outside the door! To begin the work of the Kingdom that Jesus is entrusting them with.

As a nation we have received the news of Prince Philip’s death. There is a rawness, a need for reflection, a giving thanks for his life and service.

Our Gospel reading reminds us it is the Risen Lord who is the source of our strength, our hope, our new life in Him. In all the uncertainties and difficulties of our lives we are called to look to the One who has conquered and overcome. Who is alive. We are called to ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, so that day by day we may show His love and Life, and live as His people.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

Christ, you are risen with the sun;

you are light in darkness, warmth in our cold.

You are peace and hope and joy,

for you went willingly to death.

You turned defeat and failure to victory for all.

You live eternally

and with you all the living and the dead

who trust in you.

May we who in baptism die to sin,

rise again to new life

and find our true place in your living body.

May the covenant sealed in your blood

through us bring healing and reconciliation

to this wounded world.