Thought for the week of 25th July 2021

One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, ‘There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people?       John 6 : 8 - 9

Bible reading : John 6 : 1 - 21

Thought for the week

As Jesus comes to feed the five thousand he is already surrounded by the huge range of human challenges and needs. People are coming to Him for healing and for hope. They are gathering in great numbers for comfort, to hear His voice, to listen to His teaching, to receive from Jesus hope of rescue, and a glimpse of a better future.

How extraordinary that Jesus somehow manages to meet all these needs. He deals with people individually through countless healing miracles. He meets the needs of the crowd by the miracle of the loaves and fish, not only physically feeding so many, but assuring them of the Lord’s Presence with them, gathering them as His people, sharing with them His hope for each of their lives. Later He even walks on water to meet the disciples in their boat.

Our lives are full of hurdles, difficulties, needs and seeming impossibilities. Jesus somehow turns all of these into opportunities, into new horizons, into hope.

With Jesus all things are possible, and more than this, from needs and challenges Jesus brings hope and new life. What do we need to bring to Him today? How do we need to trust in Him more, in His power and love?

Rev Paul

Prayer for today (A confession)

Merciful God,

You see deep into our hearts and know us better than we know ourselves.

Forgive us we pray.

For the times we turn away from  Your word,

remind us that You are the Lord our God,

our eternal protector and guide.

For our impulses of anger and jealousy, scorn or spite,

grant us Your healing peace.

For our resistance to forgiveness, generosity and mercy,

inspire us with Your compassionate love

For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Assurance of Forgiveness

Welcome now the abundant grace of God:

in Jesus, our sins are forgiven.

And let God's love comfort and heal our souls.