Thought for the week of 26th September 2021

“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.”  Mark 9 : 50

Bible readings : James 5 : 13 - 20  and Mark 9 : 38 - 50

Thought for this week

Salt is precious. Even a little has a big effect. It always has an impact.

Gandhi led his twenty – four day Salt March as an act of civil disobedience. He used the Indians’ right to make salt as a challenge to British Rule. After years of tension and difficulty salt made all the difference, brought justice and peace.

Jesus speaks of us as His disciples as having the properties of salt. Having an impact, even though we may small, few in number sometimes, even small in status.

Yet Jesus says, to be salt we need to be true to Him. Remain faithful. Be rooted in His love, and be at peace with one another.

So we are called to encourage one another, pray for one another, help each other as Jesus’ disciples, support each other when we stumble or fall.

Jesus is always true. True to His promises. True to us as His people. The one who brings truth and is the Way, the Truth and the life.

How amazing that we can reflect His glory and His love in the world. How amazing that we can be true salt for Him.

Rev Paul

A Prayer for this week

Almighty God,

you have made us for yourself,

and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you:

pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself,

and so bring us at last to your heavenly city

where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
