Thought for the week of 19th June 2022

When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.

Luke 8 : 35

Reading for this week : Luke 8 : 26 - 39

Thought for the week

Our Gospel reading this week is demanding, even disturbing. A man wracked by demons lives in an inhuman state. His ‘home’ is in the tombs. This is unchartered even forbidden territory for Jewish people. As well as a place of death, this is Gentile country and there the pigs. There is so much going on here.

Jesus appears amidst this desperation and brings transformation and healing. He confronts the demons, and restores the man. The community are so afraid, they ask Jesus to leave.

This is also Father’s Day, a celebration and thanksgiving for fatherhood that seems so removed from the anguish and disturbances within our Gospel reading. Yet I wonder if the man in the Gospel reading was a father? He certainly had a father, and he was restored to a community of family ties, friendships and ordinary home life.

Jesus tells us He has been sent by the Father to us, to bring our rescue and hope, even amidst the deepest chaos. We have a heavenly Father who loves us. We cannot know all Jesus bore for us. But He offers us freedom and His love. We praise the Father for all He has done for us in Jesus. There is so much we cannot understand, but we are called to trust in His love.

Rev Paul

Collect for Trinity 1

God of truth, help us to keep your law of love

and to walk in ways of wisdom,

that we may find true life in Jesus Christ your Son.


Prayer for this week

(based on Psalm 145:15-16, Isaiah 55:1-3, John 6:35)

Lord, the eyes of all look to You in hope;

and You give them what they need.

You open Your hand

and satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.

We, too, turn to You again, longing to be filled—

to eat of the Bread of Life,

to drink from Your life-giving streams,

to taste Your goodness and live.

May the time we spend together

in Your presence nourish our hearts and minds;

may it strengthen our relationship with You,

and renew our commitment to live in this world as Your faithful disciples.

For You alone are God,

the Source and Sustainer of life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

~ Christine Longhurst, re:Worship