We live in anxious times but seek to be a Church of living hope. The Bishops of Norwich, Thetford and Lynn have written a letter of reassurance to everyone in the Diocese of Norwich in the midst of Coronavirus COVID-19 fears:"We encourage the whole diocese to do everything with these principles in mind:- To seek to be a Church of living hope- To follow government & national church guidance- To continue to pray- To strive to keep each other safe & to practice kindness- To prioritise pastoral care"Read the letter here
We have received notification from the Church of England that all public worship is cancelled until further notice. This means that we will be looking into other ways of being and doing church in these next weeks so that we continue to worship as God’s people in Ringland even if we can’t physically be together. Please continue to look at our Facebook page or this website page for further updates.The church building continues to be open each day from 10am - 3pm for those who wish for quiet, reflective space.
A prayer for all those affected by coronavirusKeep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy.Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick,and lift up all who are brought low; that we may find comfortknowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.The Church of England has published a range of prayers and resources for churches and individuals to use (https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-liturgy-and-prayer-resources )
As part of our Lent celebrations on Saturday 28th March we are holding a Spring Coffee morning at St Peter’s starting at 10am. There will be cakes, teas, coffee, crafts and a chance to gather and chat in the wonderful surroundings of St Peter's. At 11 am we will hold the Parishioners meeting. The St Peter’s Parishioner’s (Vestry) meeting is held annually in line with Church of England requirements. This is a short meeting to elect our churchwardens for the next year. Nomination forms for churchwardens are available in church for anyone interested in taking on this role. Nomination forms must be handed to Rev Paul Seabrook before the meeting starts. The coffee morning will finish at 2pm (i.e. lasts for 4 hours).Everyone is welcome