St Peter's tidings

A new Rector for Fenn Lanes ?

At long last, after over 2 years of interregnum while the benefice has been ‘in vacancy’, there’s some good news. Following the most recent round of advertising we now have applicants to interview. If all goes to plan the selection and appointment process will occur in December.

Remembrance Sunday observance

In Higham the main war memorials are in the church. There are also two Commonwealth war graves in the churchyard. At 11am on November 12th we paused in silence for 2 minutes during the morning service.

Tom Frisby read the names from the memorial, then the poem In Flanders Fields and concluded with a tribute to our friend Carl Rowley who passed away in January.

Thanks also to the craft group for all the Remembrance decorations along Main Street, a lovely sign of respect.

Sing It - Singalong for Christmas – Sunday 17th December at 4pm

Everyone knows at least a couple of Christmas carols and singing is well known to be a good therapy for stress-relief and general well-being. If you’re feeling all the hustle of getting ready for Dec 25th why not take out an hour relax into the Christmas mood and join a community singalong?

The traditional candlelit Christmas carol concert will be a little different this year. The changes are planned to make it more family-friendly. We will still have the church lit up with hundreds of candles to set the mood and there will be music and Christmas readings, poems and stories. And of course, carol-singing. There will also be free seasonal refreshments afterwards.

If you have a favourite poem or reading you would like to hear (or if you’d like to perform it yourself!) then please contact Eric on 01455 213872.

Everyone is welcome, I’m sure you’ll enjoy what we have to offer. 17/12/23@4

Thanks to the bell ringers

We have enjoyed having visiting campanologists to give the bells in St Peter’s some exercise. Afterwards they have been treated to refreshments provided by John O’Brien. I hope you’ve also enjoyed hearing this wonderful traditional sound ringing out across the village.