Service of Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke's, Peckham
Chandler Way Peckham London, SE15 6DT, United Kingdom

Join us in Church as we celebrate the Holy Communion. Meet other people and join us for refreshments after the service. The service is also on Zoom. Please email us on [email protected] for the zoom link.

St Luke's, Peckham

Welcome to St Luke's Church Peckham - all are welcome to join us at all our services and events. Our regular Sunday service begins at 10am, and our midweek Holy Communion service is at 12noon on Wednesday. I look forward to welcoming you. Blessings always. Revd Sandra Schloss

Get in touch

Elsa Marshall, Parish Office

St Luke's Church, Chandler Way, Peckham, London

SE15 6DT
Parish Office (Weds 10.30am to 3pm)
020 7701 3468

Our website

What's on

Service of Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke's, Peckham
Chandler Way Peckham London, SE15 6DT, United Kingdom

Join us in Church as we celebrate the Holy Communion. Meet other people and join us for refreshments after the service. The service is also on Zoom. Please email us on [email protected] for the zoom link.