Bradford Virtual 24/7 Prayer Room 12 April – 31 May


For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, different individuals agree to commit themselves to pray and intercede for our community, our country and our world.

The way it works is simple - just click on the link below to access the sign-up sheet, and enter your name into one or more slots to commit to praying for a specific hour (or more) in the privacy of your own home.

NB. It doesn't matter if someone has already signed up for the slot you want, you can also sign up for it! The more prayer the better! (But if you are able and willing to fill slots that nobody else wants, that would be great too!)

There will be regular updates here, useful hints, tips and resources on how to pray - as not everyone finds praying for an hour easy, but we can all learn! Hopefully we will get a Facebook group going soon too, so that people can share their experiences and encourage each other.

For more information click here.