Fairtrade and COVID-19


Fairtrade producershave found their livelihood threatened by the arrival of COVID19, leaving many without any income. In response, the Fairtrade Foundation and Fairtrade International have changed the criteria for use of the Fairtrade premiums paid to producer co-ops.

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">With this released premium, a Kenyan rose-growing co-op has bought sewing machines so that workers can make face masks which are now compulsory in Kenya. In El Salvador two co-ops have actually provided food supplies using the premiums from coffee and sugar production.</span>

‘We are very grateful to God and Fairtrade for giving the associates this food and for the sales of the Fairtrade sugar. We thank all the people who are in this because we don’t have to go out on the streets and contaminate ourselves with coronavirus,’ said Nelson Alonzo Raimundo, in charge of the San Isidro area of ATAISI, upon receiving his food supply.

Such a response of gratitude shows how our support for Fairtrade makes a difference to the lives of others. At present Traidcraft are still trading and will deliver to you. A box of groceries arrived on our doorstep last week showing something of the range of fair or ethically produced goods which they stock.

Mike and Elaine de Villiers