About Us

The Church
We are a friendly traditional Anglican church that offers Christian fellowship to all who come to worship in our wonderful rural setting. Our church life is founded on a traditional understanding of our Anglican heritage, and we seek to demonstrate how this inheritance can speak to the world today.

As a corporate body we seek to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ as the Saviour of all humanity to the people of Wytham and to those who come to visit us. Through prayer, preaching, and acts of charity, we wish to share with the world around us the life that Christ gives to all his saints.

We seek to be at the heart of our village community, and welcome members of the village into our fellowship in Christ. A warm welcome is given to all who wish to contribute to the life of our thriving community.

Our church is Eucharistically focused, and stands in the Prayer Book tradition of the Church of England. The Holy Eucharist is offered on the odd Sundays of the month and Matins on even Sundays. Occasionally Evensong is sung.

The Vicar is available to all members of the village who seek the church’s advice, support, and sacraments, and to all those who attend our church. Spiritual Direction and the sacrament of confession are available upon request.

Baptisms, weddings, and funerals can be arranged by consultation with the Vicar on 01865 553992.