9am Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

9am – A traditional Book of Common Prayer Service, which is quiet and reflective, with traditional hymns, and an anthem led by our choir. This service lasts about an hour, and includes a short sermon. There is no children’s work provided at this service.

At the end of the service there is an opportunity to mix and mingle with those arriving for the 10.45 service, with coffee / tea etc., and the opportunity for prayer ministry.

10.45am Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

10.45am – We have a lively contemporary service, which is family orientated, relaxed, and modern in feel. Music is led by our Worship Team. Our talks make use of modern A/V technology, and children/young people are well catered for by our committed and fun-loving kid’s teams. We worship together for the first 25 mins before children and young people leave to attend their own groups.

3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Communion.

All Age – On the 1st Sunday of the month our 10.45 Service is "All Age Worship" – meaning loud, fun and fully inclusive.

Sparkles - Group for babies (birth to 15 months) & parents,Grandparents, carers, & expectant parents

Every Monday at for 2 hours, 15 mins
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

Drop in to the Royal Room in the Church Hall any time on Mondays between 9.45 am and 12 noon [TERM TIME ONLY AT PRESENT]

Sparkles is for babies up to 15 months, their parents, grandparents, and carers. Expectant parents are very welcome!

You’ll find a warm welcome and a chance to meet other families. We’ll have time for a song, lots of quality age-appropriate toys and books, which are safe and clean, and a clean, soft floor space to explore safely.

​We want every new baby to have the opportunity to be themselves and shine. They can only do this if the special people around them also have a “hug” from time to time. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, infusions, squash and tempting treats are available.

​We have a large car park, changing facilities; you can bring your buggy; and you are welcome to feed your baby.

For more information, contact Carol and Anne for details, message us on Facebook - Sparkles at St Chad's Church (@SparklesStC) - or email [email protected]

Little Chadders

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Eastern Avenue Baptist Church
Eastern Avenue Baptist Church, 119 East Road Chadwell Heath, RM6 6YJ, United Kingdom

Our Little Chadders toddler group meets on Mondays from 10-11.30am at the Eastern Avenue Baptist Church—Toys, crafts, activities and lots of fun for ages 0-4. Open in term-time only. £2.​

For more information, call the Church Office on 020 8597 8076 or email [email protected]

Ignite Youth Group

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

Ignite Through Friendship and Faith

What Is It?

A fun, spirited, God-centred youth club with games, food, and lively interaction.

Bring your friends or come on your own to meet new ones!

Games Consoles, Pool Table, Board Games, Crafts, Tuck Shop, & much more!

​Who is it for?

Young people age 11 - 16 years (Year 7 and up).

​Where is it?

In the Youth Room (above the Royal Room) of our Church Hall - enter by the single door at the car park end of the hall.

When is it?

Monday evenings from 6.30 pm - 8 pm

​Who to contact?

The church office - [email protected]


Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

NEW—Chair Yoga, every Tuesday in the Royal Room from 1.30 –2.30pm starting 17th September.

Prayer for Revival

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

Tuesdays from 7.30pm in the Prayer Room of the church hall.

For more information, call the Church Office on 020 8597 8076 or email [email protected]

Sunshine Community Cafe

Every Tuesday at for 4 hours
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

Our not-for-profit Sunshine Community Café is open on Tuesdays, in the Royal Room of our Church Hall, 10am—2pm. All are welcome.

For more information, call the Church Office on 020 8597 8076 or email [email protected]

Wednesday Services

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

10am - in The Royal Room or Prayer Room of our church hall - A spoken service, alternates from week to week between Holy Communion & Morning Prayer. NB Please note that there is no Morning Prayer at present but Holy Communion continues on the first and third Wednesday of the month. We hope to recommence Morning Prayer soon.

Further details on our services can be found on our website or, for more information, call the Church Office on 020 8597 8076 or email [email protected]

Mature Companions Club (MCC)

Monthly. Every Second, Third, Fourth Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

Our Mature Companions Club meets on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays of the month, in the church hall from 12pm, for lunch, chat, games and companionship. Lunch is by donation and all over 60’s are welcome.

For more information, call the Church Office on 020 8597 8076 or email [email protected]

Jumble Sale

for 3 hours
St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom

Hopefully, this will be held in the church. Please start saving your jumble - you can bring it to church on Sunday 22nd September.​

Volunteers needed:
We will need help getting ready on Friday 27th, time tbc. We will also need help on the day to run stalls and to serve refreshments and just generally help out, especially clearing up and taking leftover jumble to charity shops, the tip and cash4clothes etc.

If you can bake a cake to sell for refreshments, that would be fabulous!

Sign up sheet at back of church or contact the church office. Please come along and get involved.